Friday, September 28, 2012

many uses for asprin

Other Uses For Aspirin-

Revive dead car batteries-

If you get behind the wheel only to discover that your car's battery has given up the ghost -- and there's no one around to give you a jump -- you may be able to get your vehicle started by dropping two aspirin tablets into the battery itself. The aspirin's acetylsalicylic acid will combine with the battery's sulfuric acid to p
roduce one last charge. Just be sure to drive to your nearest service station.

Remove perspiration stains-

Before you give up all hope of ever getting that perspiration stain out of your good white dress shirt, try this: Crush two aspirins and mix the powder in 1/2 cup warm water. Soak the stained part of the garment in the solution for two to three hours and then launder.

Restore hair color-

Swimming in a chlorinated pool can have a noticeable, and often unpleasing, effect on your hair coloring if you have light colored hair. You can usually return your hair to its former shade by dissolving six to eight aspirins in a glass of warm water. Rub the solution thoroughly into your hair, and let it set for 10-15 minutes.

Dry up pimples-

Even those of us who are well past adolescence can get the occasional pimple. Get rid of those annoying blemishes by crushing one aspirin and moistening it with a bit of water. Apply the paste to the pimple, and let it sit for a couple of minutes before washing off with soap and water. It will reduce the redness and soothe the sting. If the pimple persists, repeat the procedure as needed until it's gone.

Treat hard calluses-

Soften hard calluses on your feet by grinding five or six aspirins into a powder. Make a paste by adding 1/2 teaspoon each of lemon juice and water. Apply the mixture to the affected areas, then wrap your foot in a warm towel and cover it with a plastic bag. After staying off your feet for at least ten minutes, remove the bag and towel, and file down the softened callus with a pumice stone.

Control dandruff-

Keep dandruff in check by crushing two aspirins to a fine powder and adding it to the normal amount of shampoo you use each time you wash your hair. Leave the mixture on your hair for 1-2 minutes, then rinse well and wash again with plain shampoo.

Apply to insect bites and stings-

Control the inflammation caused by mosquito bites or bee stings by wetting your skin and rubbing an aspirin over the spot. Of course, if you are allergic to bee stings -- and have difficulty breathing, develop abdominal pains, or feel nauseated following a bee sting -- get medical attention at once.

Help cut flowers last longer-

It's a tried-and-true way to keep roses and other cut flowers fresh longer: Put a crushed aspirin in the water before adding your flowers. Other household items that you can put in the water to extend the life of your flower arrangements include: a multivitamin, a teaspoon of sugar, a pinch of salt and baking soda, and even a copper penny. Also, don't forget to change the vase water every few days.

Use as garden aid-

Aspirin is not only a first-aid essential for you, but for your garden as well. Some gardeners grind it up for use as a rooting agent, or mix it with water to treat fungus conditions in the soil. But be careful when using aspirin around plants; too much of it can cause burns or other damage to your greenery. When treating soil, the typical dosage should be a half or a full aspirin tablet in 1 quart (1 liter) water.

Remove egg stains from clothes-

Did you drop some raw egg on your clothing while cooking or eating? First, scrape off as much of the egg as you can, and then try to sponge out the rest with lukewarm water. Don't use hot water, it will set the egg. If that doesn't completely remove the stain, mix water and cream of tartar into a paste and add a crushed aspirin. Spread the paste on the stain and leave it for 30 minutes. Rinse well in warm water and the egg will be gone.

50 more uses for asprin

1.  Acne Masks : Smashing an uncoated aspirin and mixing it with water (and a bit of cleanser if preferred) can help individuals with oily skin fight acne and dry their faces out. However, those with normal or dry skin ought not partake more than once a week lest they lose too much moisture.
2. Preserve Cut Flowers : Anyone hoping to keep fresh cut flowers beautiful on a table or in a windowsill would do well to drop in a tab or two of aspirin in the water.
3. Spackle : Small holes left in the wall can be filled with a simple paste comprised of a few aspirin and water.
4. Remove Sweat Stains: Two soluble aspirin dissolved in water and left to sit on perspiration stains for a couple of hours will help remove them when finally washed, though this solution works best on white clothing.
5. Relieve Insect Wounds : Wet the affected area and rub a small aspirin over the skin to help control and relieve the pain associated with mosquito bites and bee, wasp, or hornet stings. The acne mask works as well.
6. Cure Dandruff : Crushing 2 aspirin and incorporating them into a shampooing ritual will help reduce the presence of dandruff if left on for a couple of minutes. Do not do this too often lest the skin on the scalp dry up too much, however.
7. Stave Off Cancer and Strokes : The benefits of aspirin as a deterrent to heart disease has been well-publicized, if debated. However, research also suggests that it may also help reduce the spread of certain cancers and prevent the impact of strokes as well.
8. Remove Warts : Many blogs and websites discuss the virtues of using aspirin to cur warts, but only this one provides a quick recipe using a few tablets and apple cider vinegar as a workable poultice. Others suggest duct-taping a tablet to the affected area as well.
9. Aid Fertility : Studies have shown that a blend of aspirin and other medications may help increase a woman’s chances of conceiving.
10. Prevent Alzheimer’s : More research needs to be done on the subject, of course, but some early studies notice a correlation between aspirin and a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s and other dementia disorders.
11. Lower Blood Pressure During Pregnancy : While taking aspirin during pregnancy requires quite a bit of attention and care to prevent issues, research suggests that it could help women by lowering their chances of high blood pressure problems by 10% – which helps both mother and child.
12. Remove Nicotine and Grass Stains : Light skin staining from nicotine and grass can be wiped away with a blend of aspirin and a bit of water. Let it sit for around 15 minutes before washing it all off.
13. Exfoliate : The chemical properties of aspirin are frequently used as ingredients in commercial exfoliates anyways, and using a blend of the tablets and water can help slough off dead skin cells for much cheaper.
14. Keep White Clothes White : Dropping an aspirin tablet into a load of white laundry helps prevent them from yellowing with time, age, and exposure.
15. Relieve Psoriasis : Moderate doses of aspirin can help alleviate some of the inflammation and discomfort associated with psoriasis.
16. Healing Pierced Cartilage : Small scars and bumps can sometimes result when piercing the cartilage in the nose and ears, but a simple poultice of lemon juice and uncoated aspirin applied two or three times a day can reduce them significantly.
17. Cure a Toothache : The ever-versatile aspirin paste makes for a worthwhile venue for relieving tooth and gum aches before a dentist can be consulted.
18. Remove Ingrown Hairs : The instructions may discuss toe hair specifically, but a combination of warm water and aspirin paste helps individuals remove painful ingrown hairs with relative ease.
19. Clean Up Soap Scum : Aspirin paste can wipe up lingering soap scum in bathtubs, sinks, and other washbasins, but it is not economical for larger jobs.
20. Combat Shingles :L One of many dermatological marvels to be found in aspirin involves blending two tablets and 2 tablespoons of chloroform together to relieve the pain and itchiness associated with shingles.
21. Reducing Rosacea : Some research suggests that small doses of aspirin could possible reduce the reddening and flushing that results from rosacea.
22. Help Prevent Miscarriages : For women experiencing multiple miscarriages due to blood clotting near the placenta, a cocktail of aspirin and Heparin may assist them in carrying a child to term.
23. Boosting Car Batteries : Allegedly, a couple of aspirin tablets dropped into a dead battery will revive it long enough to putter to the nearest service station. However, doing so will destroy the battery in the process.
24. Prevent Hair Discoloration : Create a solution comprised of 6 to 8 soluble aspirin in a glass of warm water and leave it in the hair for 10 to 15 minutes in order to preserve dyed hair or prevent discoloration from swimming in chlorinated pools.
25. Fungicide : Aspirin dissolved in a liter of water can help plants fight off fungal infections if delicately applied. The solution – or just tabs of aspirin themselves – also helps stave off fungal growths in newer plants as well.
26. Reduce Pregnancy Complications : Specific research still needs to be done, but a few studies suggest that women partaking of very small amounts of aspirin may lower their risk of pregnancy complications if they suffer from pre-eclampsia or antiphospholipid antibody syndrome.
27. Relieve Asthma : One study revealed that women over the age of 45 reduced their risk of contracting asthma by 10% if they took 100 milligrams of aspirin every day. Those already suffering from the symptoms may find some relief with regular use as well.
28. Art : Channel inner creativity by taking advantage of aspirin’s crystalline structure, which may make for a surprisingly lovely holiday ornament.
29. Remove Bathtub Rings : Like soap scum, aspirin can remove the cleanser stains, dead skin cells, body fluids and oils, and other components of a bathtub ring when blended into a simple paste.
30. Kill Arthritis Pain : Though potentially dangerous when combined with other medications, doctors have been prescribing low doses of aspirin to alleviate arthritis pain for decades.
31. Prevent Plants from Drying Out : Popping an aspirin into the soil of a potted plant will help keep much-needed moisture in and keep it from dehydrating in the hot summer months.
32. Soothe Painful Stretchmarks : Delicately apply aspirin paste to painful stretchmarks for around 5 minutes as a means of reducing the inflammation.
33. Pesticide : Smashing up a few aspirin and mixing it with cornstarch results in a powder that helps stave off (though not entirely eliminate) an influx of pesky insects in gardens and around a home’s perimeter.
34. Desiccant : A couple of aspirin tablets placed in a closet or bathroom can soak up excess moisture in the air and help prevent damage from mold.
35. Make an Anti-Fungal Powder : Those suffering from athlete’s foot or other fungal condition may be interested in learning how to blend crushed aspirin and talcum powder together in order to make it disappear.
36. Relieving Ingrown Toenails : 20 aspirin dissolved in a bathtub full of warm water can help relieve the swelling, itchiness, and pain that come from an ingrown toenail.
37. Keep Christmas Trees Healthy : Similar to extending the life of fresh-cut flowers, dropping a couple of aspirin tablets in Christmas tree water helps keep the piney decoration fresher for longer.
38. Doily : One intrepid craft fanatic found a way to create an aesthetic doily made of aspirin and hot glue for a project.
39. Breaking in Cast Iron : Instead of using flour to break in a new piece of cast iron cook wear, try using crushed aspirin for a couple of days.
40. Reduce Razor Bumps and Burns : Uncoated aspirin whipped up with a bit of glycerin and water makes a handy substance to alleviate the painful and itchy bumps that pop up while shaving.
41. Prevent Wallpaper from Yellowing : While it would take quite a bit of aspirin to help reduce yellowing on a large patch of wallpaper, small areas can benefit from its whitening properties.
42. Inhibiting HIV : More research is obviously very necessary, but many studies have shown that aspirin may potentially unlock more information on how to cure HIV and AIDS due to its ability to pause the former’s replication.
43. Hide a Hickey : Rubbing an aspirin solution and rinsing it off should help remove smaller hickeys, though larger ones will likely need a bit of concealer.
44. Alleviate Sunburn : Pastes made from finely crushed aspirin and a bit of water can help soothe the pain associated with sunburn. Only adults should try this method, however.
45. Reduce the Risk of Parkinson’s : Research shows that women who partook of two or more aspirin a week for one month lowered their chances of coming down with Parkinson’s Disease by about 40%.
46. Treat Colon Cancer : Patients suffering from colon cancer face a staggering 29% increase in survival and 21% chance of surviving other complications with regular aspirin use, though further studies are necessary.
47. Quell Behavior Problems : A 2009 study made note of a possible correlation between women who took very low doses of aspirin to stave off miscarriage or premature labor and a reduction in behavior issues by the time their children turned 5.
48. Remove Egg Stains : Among many other things, aspirin is also handy for removing egg stains from clothing when mixed with lukewarm water and cream of tartar and left sitting for half an hour.
49. Help Treat Calluses : A paste of lemon juice and aspirin exfoliates and wears down calluses when allowed to sit before being washed off with warm water.
50. Clean Small Rust Spots : While not an economical solution for larger instances of rust stains, small ones left behind by shaving cream cans or razors can be wiped up with a bit of crushed aspirin on a wetted surface if left to sit for 10 minutes.

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