Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Perfect Iced Tea

Perfect Iced Tea

In a large mason jar,
Add 7 stalks of mint
With your keurig, make 2 cups of celestial Perfect Iced Tea Half and Half (half black tea half lemonade). In the second cup, add 3 TBSP sugar.  Pour everything in mason jar.  Add fresh Ice.

Enjoy! Perfect Every Time!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Ketchup with Sugar not High Fructose Corn Syrup!

Finally good Ketchup!

Heinz and hunts are FINALLY starting to get it.  We don't want to eat high fructose corn syrup! I can't tell you how much time I spend at the grocery store reading labels.  There are certain things that I don't want to put in my body and high fructose corn syrup is a biggie.  I found these two treasures at the grocery store today... they are using SUGAR (yeah!!! finally!!).... Sugar is infinitely better for you than high fructose corn syrup don't let anyone tell you any different.... So glad to see these two products I thought I'd share...

Read your labels people.  You want to be aware of what you are putting in your body... You have a CHOICE! Of course in the old days, they made it themselves...

Here is a recipe from the Willing Workers Cookbook of 1939

***** Tomato Catsup*****
recipe page 91 comments

    one basket ripe tomatoes, boil and strain, then add one large tea of ground cloves, and same quantity each of cinnamon, allspice and celery seed, one fourth tea of cayenne pepper, and one large tbsp of ground mustard, salt to taste, one onion size of a walnut, sugar to taste; boil three hours, adding one cup of vinegar the last half hour. Put spices and celery seed in a bag, to be taken out when catsup is sufficiently flavored.

Another thing you just go to the store to buy and we take for granted. They used to make their catsup by hand with the tomatoes from their garden. The other thing I want to point out is in todays day and time the spelling it way different - it is now called ketchup.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Detox Your Body

Cleanse your body, protect it from disease, and enhance your health system by detoxing with these supportive foods.
What does it do? The blood is a specialized bodily fluid that supplies substances and nutrients, such as sugar, oxygen, and hormones to our cells. It carries waste away from the cells and contains clotting agents. It is the circulatory system that holds the high-speed highways of the blood for transport.
Supportive foods – Blood building and circulatory supporting foods include dark green leafy vegetables such as dandelion greens, kale, collard greens, spinach, arugula and broccoli; also garlic, fresh ginger root, cayenne pepper, and protein-rich foods, apricots, beans, wheat germ, and tofu.
What does it do? As a part of the immune system, lymph nodes are located throughout the body and hold precious cells of the immune system. It’s important to keep your lymph nodes healthy to reduce the risk of colds and flus.
Supportive foods – Foods that support lymph node function include clean proteins such as wild-caught fish and grass-fed beef, citrus fruits, crimini mushrooms, turnip greens, spinach, and kale, garlic, parsley, carrots, asparagus, strawberries, and tomatoes.
What does it do? Besides being the second-largest organ in the body (second to our skin), the liver processes virtually every transaction in the body – sorting, packaging, storing and using nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. This is one organ you’ll definitely want to nurture.
Supportive foods – There are two main detoxification pathways of the liver—eat foods that nurture those systems, and you’ll receive support in return. Foods include beets, leafy greens, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, olive oil, flax seed oil, citrus fruits, garlic, cabbage, green tea, avocadoes, and artichokes.
What does it do? The gallbladder’s main function is to act as a place of safe-keeping for bile, the green substance the liver produces. When signaled to do so, the gallbladder releases bile to digest fats and cholesterols.
Supportive foods – Specific nutrients help to maintain the quality and integrity of the bile for digestion – without them, the bile become thick, sluggish, and coagulated, causing gall stones. Foods which help maintain integrity include beets, apples, cucumber, Swiss chard, dandelion greens, lemon, flax seed oil, and sweet potato.
What does it do? The pancreas manufactures and secretes the enzymes necessary for digestion, including those that help digest proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.
Supportive foods – Foods that support the pancreas include anti-inflammatory foods and foods that help maintain healthy blood sugar, including blueberries, cherries, broccoli, garlic, grapes, spinach, kale, collard greens, Swiss chard, sweet potatoes, tomatoes and tofu.
What do they do? The main function of the kidneys is to filter and clean the blood. They also regulate blood pressure, minerals (including potassium, sodium, chloride, calcium, and phosphorous), and acidity levels within the body.
Supportive foods – Foods that support kidney health include anti-inflammatory foods and foods which support mineral balance, including parsley, bell peppers, cabbage, cauliflower, apples, garlic, onions, cranberries, blueberries, strawberries, cherries, grapes, fish and olive oil.
What do they do? Both the small and large intestines work with the absorption and elimination processes of our food and its nutrients. Keeping our digestive system healthy also keeps other systems healthy, such as our lymph and blood.
Supportive foods – Healthy intestines require a healthy balance of good bacteria and proper elimination, enabling this system to do its job. Supportive foods include insoluble and soluble fibers such as flax seeds, beans, green leafy vegetables, oats, whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and more. Probiotic rich foods such as yogurt, kefir, kombucha and other fermented foods are also extremely useful.
Please note: Eating a healthy, balanced, clean diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables, clean proteins, anti-inflammatory fats, fiber, and more will also keep your body happy and healthy!
Please also note: None of the information provided is meant to treat or diagnose disease or ailments. Always consult your doctor before starting a new dietary or exercise regime.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Farmer's Almanac Summer Weather Prediction

July: 10-14, 29-31. Seasonable, near-normal temperature with scattered t-storms upfront and more storms mid-July. The hottest period is late July.
August: 5-10, 16–20, 28–31.  Near-normal temperatures and rainfall. The hottest period is early August.
Atlantic Corridor
July: 8–12, 16–20. Near-average temperatures but rainier than normal. The hottest periods will be in early and mid-July.
August: 8–11, 20–23, 28–31. Cooler and rainier than normal with sunny periods and t-storms intermixed.
July: 15–31 (scattered P.M. t-storms, seasonable).  Much cooler than normal with above-normal rainfall and hottest temperatures in mid- to late July.
August: 15–31 (sunny in the west). Much cooler than normal with above-normal rainfall. Scattered t-storms throughout entire month so difficult to identify a rain-free week. The hottest temperatures will be in mid-August.
July: 1–6, 7–17 (scattered t-storms), 22–26. Average temperatures and slightly rainier than normal with the hottest periods in early and mid-July.
August: 7–12 (for north), 16–20, 21–31 (scattered t-sorms). A tad cooler and much rainier than normal with a hot period mid-August.
Lower Lakes
July: 16-23.  Slightly cooler and drier than average. The hot periods are in early and mid-July.
August: 5-10, 14–18, 28-31. Much cooler (4 degrees cooler than average) with slightly below-normal rainfall.
Deep South
July: 7–12, 18–21 (for south), 22–25, 28–31. Cooler than average month and slightly rainier. The hottest periods will be in mid-July.
August: 8–25. Much cooler (6 degrees below average). Much rainier than normal in the southwest and near-normal precipitation elsewhere.
Upper Midwest
July: 5–7, 8–10 (sunny in west but t-storms in east), 11–14, 26–28. Seasonable-to-cool weather with a hot period in mid-July. Slightly drier than normal.
August: 1–8, 12–15, 21–31. Cooler and drier than normal with the hottest period in early August.
July: 1-5, 16-19. A bit cooler and drier than normal, on average. The hottest periods come in early and late July.
August: 3–6, 13–23 (for north). Much cooler than normal month (4 degrees below average) with rain above normal in the south and below average elsewhere with drought a threat.
Pacific Northwest Coast
July: 1-11, 15–17, 22–31. Slightly warmer with average precipitation. The hottest periods will occur in early and late July.
August: 1–12, 17–21. Much warmer than normal (5.5 degrees above average) with near-average rainfall. The hot period will fall in mid-August.
Pacific Southwest
July: 1-14, 19-31.  Sunny and seasonable with normal rainfall. Great month! The hottest period will be in mid-July.
August: 1-22, 27–31. Warmer than normal with normal rainfall.  Hot periods throughout August.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Watermelon Keg Instructions

How to Make a Watermelon Keg

Flatten the bottom of one end of your watermelon by cutting off a thin slice of the rind. Cut just enough so that the watermelon will stand upright on one end.

Cut a circular top out of the opposite end of the melon. Much as you would cut the top off of a pumpkin, carve out a round lid from the melon and set it aside.

Scoop out the fruit flesh from the melon and put it into a bowl or blender.

Pour any remaining juice into a pitcher. If you use a seedless melon you can process the fruit without removing the seeds.

If your melon is seed-filled, remove the seeds with a spoon or clean hands or simply put through a strainer.
 Drill a hole in the bottom front of your watermelon where you want the tap to be. Use a drill bit a little bit smaller than the faucet you want to use as your tap. Use a sharp knife to open the hole to the correct diameter.

Screw in a clean, new ball valve faucet into your hole.

The faucet should turn easily with one hand and have a fitting long enough to protrude through the rind of the melon. Put a rubber washer on the faucet inside the melon to assist in making a leak proof seal.

Mash the pulp to gather as much watermelon juice as possible. To get as much liquid as possible, mix with another beverage such as lemonade, limeade or 7-up.  I'm not big on alcohol, but for those of you that are, you can mix with vodka.
Turn the valve to dispense the watermelon punch into guests' cups.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Benefits of Castor Oil

Castor oil - Grandmom's favorite old time remedy!

This oil has regained its popularity recently due to its many health benefits and treatment capacity. It is believed that most of castor oil's benefits are derived from its high concentration of unsaturated fatty acids.

Approximately 90% of its fatty acid content is made up of ricinoleic acid, and it is this aspect that is thought to give the oil its remarkable healing abilities. Ricinoleic acid can be effective in preventing the growth of viruses, bacteria, yeasts and molds.

This oil can be used externally and internally, it depends on the ailment you want to treat. 

** Shrinks and eliminates fibroid tumors.
** Treats nerves inflammation.
** Very effective remedy for rheumatism, arthritis and gout.
** Helps relieving sore muscles.
** Heal and clear scar tissues.
** When administered in very low dosages, acts as germicidal (natural birth control).
** It can relieve chronic fluid retention.
** Get rid of ringworm.
** Relieve menstruation pain and discomfort.
** Effective in stye treatment.
** Is useful in treating skin diseases and skin ulcers, particularly those which are caused due to bacterial or fungal infections.
** Heals acne.
** Can relieve liver congestion and can remove mucus in the lungs and bowels.
** Treats fungal toenail.
** Studies have approved the use of Castor Oil for skin infections and other skin problems such as sunburn, abrasions, acne, dry skin, boils, warts, stretch marks, liver/age spots, athletes foot and chronic itching and inflamed skin.
** Cold compress in low dosage can help with lactation by increasing milk-flow.
** Natural wrinkles treatment, castor oil is a natural emollient that penetrates the skin and helps stimulate the production of collagen and elastin which can soften and hydrate the skin.
** Treats hair-loss, nourishes hair and prevent the scalp from drying by retaining moisture.
** Castor oil packs soaked through the skin improve the body’s ability to assimilate nutrients, eliminate toxins, and stimulate circulation.
** Castor is known as constipation treatment, it is used as a laxative (better call it purgative). It is thus a very effective treatment in extreme cases of constipation where the bulk laxatives do not work.
** An effective purgative.
** Natural moisturizer.
** Natural anti-inflammatory, antibacterial,anti-fungal, antioxidant and antiviral.
** Used on burns, wounds to protect them from infections.

To make castor oil pack pad: Make a small pad by folding a small piece of unbleached cotton flannelette into 3 or 4 layers.

Dip the cotton pad into Castor Oil and place it on to the affected joint or muscle.
Cover the pad with a plastic wrap.
Place a hot water bottle or heating pad over the plastic wrapped cotton pad. The plastic wrap will prevent the water bottle or heating pad from getting oily.
Leave the cotton pad on for 45 minutes to an hour, once per day.

What does MY DOCTOR tell me to do with Castor Oil? She tells me to put it liberally externally on the liver area, put a towel over it, and cover it with moist heat.  This helps to heal the liver and mobilize toxins.

CAUTION: Castor oil is usually safe when used in moderation. However, pregnant and lactating women and people with intestinal blockage, acute inflammatory intestinal disease, appendicitis, or abdominal pain should not take Castor Oil without their doctor's approval.

NOTE: Consult with your Naturopath before using castor oil internally. A typical recommended dosage for the oil is no more than one-half to one full teaspoon per day.

Castor Oil is best purchased from a health food store, look for cold-pressed or cold-processed oil only. The color of the oil should be a very light or pale yellow.

Monday, July 9, 2012

The Meridian Organ Clock

The Meridian Organ Clock

The Chinese Acupuncture “Meridian Clock” is an example of a 24-hour cycle which portrays the body’s complete functions as well as its relationship with diet. There are 12 meridians, each taking the lead for two hours during the 24-hour period. Each of the 12 meridians has a dual flow, a coming and a going, marking 24 cycles per day.

The clock delineates which meridian system is activated and dominant at a specific time. Since these cycles happen automatically, we do not have to be preoccupied with them. However, if we know of these cycles, then we can make better decisions when it is generally best to eat, exercise and sleep.


5-7 a.m. — Large Intestine — Drinking water triggers bowel evacuation making room for the new day’s nutritional intake. Removes toxins from the night’s cleansing. A healthy colon needs water to do its job properly, which is flushing waste matter 24/7. The morning is the most important time to drink plenty of water for this process, and the worst time to have caffeine. Caffeine is a diuretic and takes water away from your colon to your kidneys and bladder for evacuation. Your body needs water in the morning to do its repair and maintenance of the large intestine and colon. This helps you maintain digestion, normalize weight, slow down the ageing process. When you irrigate your system every morning with pure water (up to 32 oz.) your health improves. If you wait until you have a bowel movement before you eat in the morning, this is also healthier for your colon.

7-9 a.m. — Stomach — The stomach is repairing and does not need a big meal to deal with. While the large intestine and colon needs fluid to repair properly in the morning, the stomach needs very little. Start with fluids (pure water or fresh juiced vegetables) or fresh fruit that is easily digested. However, if you can, drink only fluids in the morning for optimal health.

9-11 a.m. — Spleen —  During this time/process or when the spleen is in a weakened state, you may suffer with allergies or not be able to shake a cold or flu. This is because the spleen works with the liver and your immune system. A healthy spleen produces antibodies when there is an infection and constantly watches the blood for invaders.

11 a.m.-1 p.m. — Heart — Food materials enter the blood stream. The heart pumps nutrients throughout the system and takes its lipid requirements. The time for heart repairs is between 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Your body is removing waste from the heart and you may sometimes notice a rapid heartbeat, double beats and/or skipping beats. Seventy percent of heart attacks occur when the heart is in its repair period.

1-3 p.m. — Small Intestine — Foods requiring longer digestion times (proteins) complete their digestion/assimilation. Have you noticed that between 1 to 3 p.m. you are more apt to have indigestion, pain and bloating? If this happens, two things could be wrong: 1. Your diet is not what it should be and your food is not digesting; 2. Your diet is causing problems that are now causing you stress. A proper diet will help take care of these problems.

3-5 p.m. — Bladder — Metabolic wastes from morning’s nutrition intake clear, making room for the kidney’s filtration to come. From 3 to 7 p.m. you may notice you’re tired and want a nap. When the kidneys are healthy and working properly, you’ll feel energetic at that time, not tired.

5-7 p.m. — Kidney — Filters blood (decides what to keep, what to throw away), maintains proper chemical balance of blood based on nutritional intake of day. Blood to deliver useable nutrients to all tissues.

7-9 p.m. — Circulation / Sex — Nutrients are carried to groups of cells (capillaries) and to each individual cell (lymphatics.)  This is the time of unwinding, sharing intimacy. The sun has retreated and rest and rejuvenation are taking center stage. Rejoicing in the day and the pleasures of the moment correspond to this period. The pericardium protects the heart. We can perceive it as a gate that opens to let love in and closes to protect from mistreatment and harm.

9-11 p.m. — Triple Heater — The endocrine system adjusts the homeostasis of the body based on electrolyte and enzyme replenishment. There is no physical organ associated with this function. The function is to distribute heat within the whole body. The three heaters are the upper chest, mid abdomen and lower abdomen. These three areas house the organs in the body and their functions of respiration, digestion and elimination. All inter action depends on the three heaters for warmth and inter relationship.

11 p.m.- 1 a.m. — Gall Bladder — Initial cleansing of all tissues, processes cholesterol, enhances brain function. The gall bladder depicts the decision-making process of our sleep, the dream state. For optimal well-being, this process of identifying and prioritizing provides a healthy environment for rejuvenation of the body.

1-3 a.m. — Liver — Cleansing of blood. Processing of wastes. Between 11 p.m. to 3 a. m. these two guys go into action. Do you ever have nights when you can’t sleep at this time? This means that waste is not being processed by your liver and it acts as an irritant to your body causing insomnia and frayed nerves. Your brain just won’t stop. The liver function presents as General, a planner, a CEO of a company. The liver creates the needed plans for survival. During these hours, it is essential to be lying down and resting, even if not asleep the bodies function depends on it being in the prone position. Laying flat initiates the plan with the timely flow of cleansing the whole being. With this cleansing, we gain the flexibility to experience new possibilities in each new moment of our lives.

3-5 a.m. — Lung — Respiration. Oxygenation. Expulsion of waste gasses. The lungs are the first organs of the day that are up for repair and maintenance. Lungs begins loosening the poisoning waste between 3 to 5 a.m., and when you awaken, this is why you cough sometimes. Your lungs are trying to expel the loosened waste. If you are coughing in the morning, this indicates that your diet and lifestyle needs tweaking.

Friday, July 6, 2012

July = National Blueberry Month

July is National Blueberry Month

 Blueberry History in the United States
July was proclaimed National Blueberry Month by the United States Department of Agriculture on May 8th, 1999. Blueberries are grown in 35 states in the US, and the United States produces over 90% of all of the blueberries in the world. They have been used in soups, stews and more, for centuries. According to Ark-LA-Tex, the Native Americans taught the pilgrims to use blueberries in many ways. Blueberries were dried in the sun and ground into a powder. The powder was used to make a pudding called Sautauthig, and it was used to season meat as a “spice rub.”

Blueberries And Your Health
The Native Americans also believed that these little blue berries were good for your health. Blueberry tea is supposed to help relax women during childbirth, leaves from the blueberry bush were used to make a blood purifier that was good for the kidneys, and blueberry juice was supposed to be good for coughs. Modern medicine also identifies the health benefits of blueberries. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, the Rutgers Blueberry Cranberry Research Center in Chatsworth, N.J. found that blueberries help prevent infections in the urinary tract in much the same way that cranberries do. They may also help to prevent macular degeneration according to Ronald L. Prior, Ph.D., director of the USDA.

Did you know that eating blueberries could also be one of the keys to living to a ripe old age? Well, if you take a look at the research, foods that are rich in antioxidants are supposed to help reduce your chance of getting cancer and heart disease, and blueberries are loaded with them. Out of 40 different fruits, juices and vegetables, the blueberry comes in with the highest antioxidant level, according to the North american Blueberry Council. Just three and a half ounces of blueberries are equivalent to over 1700 International Units of vitamin E.

Freezing Blueberries
According to the North American Blueberry Council, you should not wash your blueberries before you freeze them. If you buy the berries in a pint box, simply wrap the box tightly in cellophane to make it airtight, or slip it into a resealable plastic bag (squeeze out as much air as possible). Then freeze. If you buy the berries in bulk, freeze them on a cookie sheet first and then transfer them into a freezer container. Keep frozen until ready to use.

Substitute Fresh Blueberries For Canned Blueberries
According to Texas Blueberries, “If a recipe calls for a can of blueberries, you may make your own by using 2-1/2 cups of fresh blueberries, 1 tablespoon of corn starch, 1-1/2 teaspoons of lemon juice, 1/8 cup of water. Cook until thickened and clear. Cool before using as a substitute.”


To celebrate National Blueberry Month, try out some of these great recipes.

***** Blueberry Pie *****
ingredients directions

    4 cups fresh blueberries
    ¼ cup cold water
    5 TBSP flour
    pinch salt
    1 cup sugar
    ½ cup water
    whipping cream

Mix together ¼ cup cold water, flour, salt and make a smooth paste. Bring 1 cup of the blueberries, sugar, and ½ cup water to a boil. When boiling, add the flour paste and stir until it thickens. Remove from heat and cool. When cool, add the remaining berries and put into baked 10” pie shell. Refrigerate. When cool, serve with whipped cream.

***** Blueberry Funny Cake *****
ingredients directions

    Blueberry Sauce
    2 cups fresh blueberries
    1 cup sugar
    1 TBSP water
    1 TBSP lemon juice

    ¼ cup butter
    ¾ cup sugar
    1 egg
    ½ cup milk
    1 tea baking powder
    1 ¼ cup flour
    1 tea vanilla

Heat blueberry sauce ingredients until simmering and sugar is dissolved. Cool.

Cream together butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add egg, vanilla, mixing well. Add flour, baking powder, and salt. Add milk. Pour in unbaked pie shell. Slowly pour blueberry sauce over top.

Bake 375 35 - 40 minutes.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Master Cleanse - The Lemonaide Diet

People have known the health benefits of lemons for centuries. Lemons are nature's way of cleaning out of detoxing your system. This recipe is real simple.

  • 4 lemons
  • 1 quart spring water or well water(no town water!)
  • 1/2 cup grade B maple syrup (i never actually measure this)
  • 1/2 tea. of ground ceyene pepper
Mix it all up... put it in the fridge...

If you look on the internet with the true master cleanse diet this is all you are supposed to drink (no food) for a minimum of 10 days... It does clean out your system, but you then have to gradually introduce food to it again. People have lost up to 20 pounds on this system. Well, I've got news for you. My doctor told me that guess what you don't have to not eat for this mixture to be good for you! You of course should be eating light as in your fruits and vegetables but you don't have to do without food. THis is good news for people like me who want the benefits but have health problems (lyme) - dieting is not recommended within 2 years of any illness.... THis is great cold or hot.. I like to warm mine and then stick a green tea teabag in it. I try and alternate the hot and the cold because it actually does two different things to your cells... My doctor could tell you what they are but jist of it is both are useful. THis is especailly good for your liver. Yes if you don't eat you'll pull out more "stuff" as in toxins out of your cells but also your body has to be strong enough that once the toxins get pulled to get rid of it. That's why for me doing this three times a week works well... it still pulls toxins out of my cells but it also gives my body a chance to get rid of what's pulled out. Plus it's easier on my blood sugar situation. Make sense?

If you do think you are strong enough to do the full diet all you have to do is drink only the tonic, as in several times a day in place of food, and at night you need to drink a senna (laxitive) tea. You do this for a 10 day minimum. When you get back on food you need to introduce it s-l-o-w-l-y. Warning - if you have to go to work and be functional, my dr's way is easier... it may take a little longer but it still works..

I actually first got introduced to this diet from a handful of my customers.. Everyone was ordering the grade b maple syrup. It is delicious... Then my doctor told me about it a few years later... so here we are... If you would like to order grade b maple syrup please click on the link below.

"Pennsylvania Maple Syrup"
"Grade B"

Grade B
One Gallon
Price - $53.00

"We do not use any fertilizer or additives (no formaldahyde) of any kind"