Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Benefits of Castor Oil

Castor oil - Grandmom's favorite old time remedy!

This oil has regained its popularity recently due to its many health benefits and treatment capacity. It is believed that most of castor oil's benefits are derived from its high concentration of unsaturated fatty acids.

Approximately 90% of its fatty acid content is made up of ricinoleic acid, and it is this aspect that is thought to give the oil its remarkable healing abilities. Ricinoleic acid can be effective in preventing the growth of viruses, bacteria, yeasts and molds.

This oil can be used externally and internally, it depends on the ailment you want to treat. 

** Shrinks and eliminates fibroid tumors.
** Treats nerves inflammation.
** Very effective remedy for rheumatism, arthritis and gout.
** Helps relieving sore muscles.
** Heal and clear scar tissues.
** When administered in very low dosages, acts as germicidal (natural birth control).
** It can relieve chronic fluid retention.
** Get rid of ringworm.
** Relieve menstruation pain and discomfort.
** Effective in stye treatment.
** Is useful in treating skin diseases and skin ulcers, particularly those which are caused due to bacterial or fungal infections.
** Heals acne.
** Can relieve liver congestion and can remove mucus in the lungs and bowels.
** Treats fungal toenail.
** Studies have approved the use of Castor Oil for skin infections and other skin problems such as sunburn, abrasions, acne, dry skin, boils, warts, stretch marks, liver/age spots, athletes foot and chronic itching and inflamed skin.
** Cold compress in low dosage can help with lactation by increasing milk-flow.
** Natural wrinkles treatment, castor oil is a natural emollient that penetrates the skin and helps stimulate the production of collagen and elastin which can soften and hydrate the skin.
** Treats hair-loss, nourishes hair and prevent the scalp from drying by retaining moisture.
** Castor oil packs soaked through the skin improve the body’s ability to assimilate nutrients, eliminate toxins, and stimulate circulation.
** Castor is known as constipation treatment, it is used as a laxative (better call it purgative). It is thus a very effective treatment in extreme cases of constipation where the bulk laxatives do not work.
** An effective purgative.
** Natural moisturizer.
** Natural anti-inflammatory, antibacterial,anti-fungal, antioxidant and antiviral.
** Used on burns, wounds to protect them from infections.

To make castor oil pack pad: Make a small pad by folding a small piece of unbleached cotton flannelette into 3 or 4 layers.

Dip the cotton pad into Castor Oil and place it on to the affected joint or muscle.
Cover the pad with a plastic wrap.
Place a hot water bottle or heating pad over the plastic wrapped cotton pad. The plastic wrap will prevent the water bottle or heating pad from getting oily.
Leave the cotton pad on for 45 minutes to an hour, once per day.

What does MY DOCTOR tell me to do with Castor Oil? She tells me to put it liberally externally on the liver area, put a towel over it, and cover it with moist heat.  This helps to heal the liver and mobilize toxins.

CAUTION: Castor oil is usually safe when used in moderation. However, pregnant and lactating women and people with intestinal blockage, acute inflammatory intestinal disease, appendicitis, or abdominal pain should not take Castor Oil without their doctor's approval.

NOTE: Consult with your Naturopath before using castor oil internally. A typical recommended dosage for the oil is no more than one-half to one full teaspoon per day.

Castor Oil is best purchased from a health food store, look for cold-pressed or cold-processed oil only. The color of the oil should be a very light or pale yellow.

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